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Services or Offerings?
Here you can request certain change to your account names.

Reset your account password used to access the computers in offices, labs and the Library.

Add funds to your printing account for Library and Lab printers.

Delegate an existing departmental email account to one or more people.

Report errors or issues with one of your devices.

Google Drive - allows you access to your files you store with your All-Access credentials in your Wagner GMail account from anywhere.

Lecture capture and video storage system.

Request new lists or modify existing lists.

General myWagner student support.

Access your Wagner network files from anywhere.

Reset your OneLogin password.

Authentication related online course evaluation questions.

Request media for classes or special events. Requests must be submitted 48 hours PRIOR to the start of the event; requests for Saturday and/or Sunday must be in by Wednesday.

Request a new account for your department or organization.