Mailing list changes or list creation

Many mailing lists that we utilize are automatically synchronized according to the College's data system.

We also maintain lists for classes, groups and other constituencies. These are manually maintained by IT when changes are communicated.

Occasionally, there will be a need to add someone to one of the automatic lists. Please see the table below for information list synchronization and approval procedures for list exceptions

All automatic lists are synchronized nightly. Subscription to the following automatic lists will last for the duration of enrollment/employment.

List name Purpose Moderated By Exception Approval List Address
Student-mailing-list accepts submissions; moderated Co-Curricular Programs Dean's Office
Student-now announcements; direct send N/A Dean's Office
Faculty-mailing-list accepts submissions from list subscribers; others moderated Provost's Office Provost's Office
Faculty-now announcements; direct send N/A Provost's Office
Adjuncts accepts submissions from list subscribers; others moderated Provost's Office Provost's Office
Staff-mailing-list accepts submissions; moderated Communications Chief of Staff
Staff-now announcements; direct send N/A Chief of Staff
NOTICE (everyone) announcements; direct send N/A N/A
Parent-mailing-list announcements; direct send N/A N/A



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