Getting Started
The CoVerified app is available for Apple iOS (will be available for Android devices in the near future) and the system also can be accessed via any web browser. Here’s how to begin:
- Download the app or access the website via a browser: http://web.coverified.us/
- Log in
– Students and employees with a Wagner College username and password will log into CoVerified using those standard credentials (Single Sign-on). Your username should be in the format: jdoe@wagner.edu.
- View the User Guide
Daily Symptom Checks
At the start of each day, all members of the campus community should log in and complete their symptom report. Please note that as CDC recommendations change, the list of symptoms will be updated. From the CoVerified home screen, click Report, then Report Symptoms.
If you are experiencing any symptoms, submit your report and follow the protocol:
- Residential Students- Do not leave your private residence and call the Health Center for instructions.
- Commuter Students - Do not come to campus. Instead, call the Health Center for instructions.
- Employees- Do not come to campus. Instead, call your healthcare provider and then notify your supervisor.
Scheduling Appointments for COVID-19 Tests
All appointments for the on-campus Testing Center (Spiro Sports Center) are scheduled via the CoVerified platform. From the home screen, click Testing, then Schedule a Test, and follow the prompts to find an available appointment. You can also view your upcoming appointments.
Reviewing Your COVID-19 Test Results
All campus members will be notified of their negative test results through the Coverified app. Positive test results will be reported to the campus members privately.
Technical Support
If you are able to log in to the CoVerified app or website, submit a ticket via the app. Technical support agents are available 9 am-5 pm, Monday through Friday.
If you are unable to log in, first confirm that your username and password are correct. For assistance with your Wagner All Access Pass, view these instructions to reset your password or contact the Help Desk. If your All Access Pass is correct please click the Request Service button on this page to get assistance.