Remote Access to Licensed Software

Virtual Lab Software

Through a partnership with Apporto, a few more applications have become available remotely through a Virtual Lab.

For Full details on how to access the Virtual Lab please visit the Apporto knowledgebase article

Applications available through the virtual lab include:

Microsoft Access 2016
Microsoft Excel 2016
Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
Microsoft Word 2016
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
Stata 16
ArcGIS Pro
IBM SPSS Statistics 26 

Remote Access to Mathematica

1. Ensure you have an active WolframID

Users who already have a WolframID may proceed to step 2. New users who do NOT already have a WolframID will need to create one. Click here to create your WolframID and follow the instructions below.

  • Fill out the form using your @wagner email only (gmail or other email addresses will not work)
  • Click "Create Wolfram ID"
  • Check your email and click the link to validate your WolframID

2. Request access to Mathematica Online.



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