The Adjunct Hiring Portal is used to hire all adjuncts for the academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer sessions).
Candidate information is entered into the system by academic department administrative assistants. Candidates are then recommended for courses by the assistants. Candidates have 30 days to accept the position. After acceptance the Provosts office must approve and Human Resources will generate a contract.
Link to adjunct portal
Common Issues
The most common issue when trying to accept a position is neglecting to enter biographical information in the portal. If you only see the decline button then there is information missing such as your address or your phone number. You may also be asked to submit documentation. Once all the necessary information is entered, the accept button will appear.
If you are unable to login and you are using a wagner.edu email address, please remember the portal requires the full email address, including the @wagner.edu. Your password will be your All-Access Pass. Adjuncts using non-wagner email addresses will have randomized passwords sent via email. The full email address will be used as the username.
If you are having trouble logging into to the site, please select the "Request Service" button to have a technician contact you.