Oracle Employee Self Service Training Guide-Using the Web Clock & Managing Time Cards

In this article we will discuss how to use the Web Clock to record your hours in and out of the office. We will also discuss how to view and modify your time cards so you can keep track of your time or make changes if necessary. 

For a video tutorial on how to use this feature, check out the link below:

For step by step written instructions on how to use this feature, check out the following text:

Clocking In and Out Using the Web Clock 

Depending on your role at Wagner, you may be required to enter your hours worked into the system using the web clock. You should clock in at the beginning of your work shift, clock out when you are finished, and also record your lunch break by also clocking in and clocking out when you leave and when you return. 

1. From the apps grid, choose Web Clock

2. You will see a time clock that shows the current date and time. To clock in for the day, choose Clock In. This will record the time that you started work. When you click to clock in, you will be asked to choose your position from the drop down menu. 

3. When it is time for you to take your lunch break, navigate back to the Web Clock and choose Clock Out

4. When you return from your lunch break, navigate back to the Web Clock and choose Clock In. It will ask you to once again choose your position from the drop down menu.



5. When you are ready to leave for the day, you will do your final Clock Out for the day to record the end of your shift. 

6. You will notice that all of the activity you have recorded throughout the entire day will be preserved in the Daily Time Events at the bottom of the page. 

Modifying Entries Made On the Web Clock 

If you need to make a change to any of the entries made on your web clock or if you forgot to clock in or out during your designated work period, you can easily request a time change using a variety of methods. 

1. From the web clock page, navigate down to the Daily Time Events section at the bottom of the screen. For the purposes of this article, we will use the example of forgetting to clock out the day before. Make sure you press the arrow so that you have selected the correct day.


2. From the actions menu, select Request Change

3. From here, you will automatically be brought to the Request Change page where you will be able to make any necessary changes. First ensure that you have selected the correct date at the top for the changes you are about to request. It will always default to the current date.


4. Press Add under Time Entries. 

5. You will be taken to the next screen where you can provide your Position, Hours Type, and Time that you would like to record. Although not mandatory, you may want to add a comment into the comments section to explain the reason for your time change request. 

6. One you enter in this information, press OK to add it to your list of time entries. 

7. When you are finished making the changes that you need to make, click Submit in the upper right corner. This will send a notification to your line manager letting them know that they need to take action on your requests. 


8. In the event that you didn't forget to add a punch on a day, but you need to edit the time on one of your entries, instead of pressing add to put in a new time entry, you can navigate to the time punch you would like to edit on the Time Events list and press the little pencil to the right. 

9. Make the time change and when you are finished, press OK

10. Once again, when you are finished with your time change request, press Submit at the top to send it to your line manager.

Keep in mind that any time you make a change to your web clock, those changes will not show up on your end until your line manager approves the changes that you made. You will be notified when your requests are approved or denied from the notifications section in the upper right hand corner.

Alternatively, if you don't wish to go through the web clock to make your time request changes, you could access the same page by following these instructions:

1. From your homepage, choose Time & Absences

2. Press the Request Time Changes tile


3. After entering the correct date, follow the same instructions as explained above. 

Viewing Current and Existing Time Cards

Time cards are submitted automatically at the end of a pay period as long as your card doesn't show any errors. It is important to check your time card throughout the week to make sure there aren't any errors that need to be corrected or approvals that need to be made by line managers. 

Current Time Cards

To view your current time card follow these instructions:

1. From your Oracle homepage, click Time and Absences

2. Choose Current Time Card

3.You can see the pay period that you are viewing at the top of the page. 

4. If you do not seeing your daily punches for that day yet, rest assured that they will show up eventually at some point during the day. This function follows an automatic process that syncs at a designated time throughout the day so if you don't see it, check back later on in the day to confirm. 

Existing Time Cards

The Existing Time Cards tab will grant you access to all of your time cards that you have submitted. To view your existing time cards follow these instructions:

1. From your Oracle homepage, click Time and Absences. 

2. Choose Existing Time Cards. 

3. Notice you will see various pay periods listed that you can click on to view more details for. 

4. By default you will see the last five time cards, however, you can filter by a particular time period from the menu at the top. 

5.  Under this section, you will see the status of your time card. If everything has been entered correctly, your status will read Saved. If there are errors to correct, you will see that time card labeled as such. 

6. To fix an error on a time card, or take a closer look at a particular week, click on the pay period link. Once you enter the next screen it will specify to you what the error is that you need to correct in order to change the status of your time card for that pay period. 

Withdrawing Time Request Changes

In the event that you entered the wrong information in a time request change and your manager hasn't approved it yet, you can easily withdraw it. 

1. From within the desired time card, if you have already submitted a time request change, you should see a yellow banner at the top of your page letting you know that the time request is pending. Select View Request

2. Press Withdraw in the upper right hand corner.

3. Notice that the yellow banner that previously indicated the time request is now gone. 


4. To enter in a new time request change with the correct time, make sure you click the Actions menu in the upper left corner. Select Request Change

5. Enter the correct date in which the change needs to take place and follow as you normally would with a time request change. 

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