Emergency text messaging

Wagner College has instituted a text messaging alert system. Alerts are sent when a very urgent message must be sent to the entire campus community, such as a snow closing or delay. 

For those new to Wagner, a new account on the RAVE alert system was created for you.

All existing employees and students who have forgotten their Rave password can use the following instructions to log in and check their contact information.

  • Go to https://www.getrave.com/login/wagner

  • Click on "Forgot Your password?"

  • Type in your e-mail address and hit the Submit button.

  • You will receive an e-mail with a link to reset your password.  Click the link to go to the password reset page.

  • Create a new password and save it for when you need to access your account.

  • The system will confirm the change. You’ll now be able to access your account, register your phone and create your profile.

If for some reason your account was not automatically created, you can sign up by simply going to http://getrave.com/login/wagner and click the "Register" button.

Please make sure you enter your information correctly into each field.

You will receive an email with a link to connect to Rave. Once there, enter your 4 digit code and registration will be complete.

E-mail or call the Help Desk at 718-390-3410 if you need assistance or if you have any questions.

Adding Additional Phone Numbers for Text Alerts

Our text-messaging system will not allow us to set up accounts for anyone without a wagner.edu email address — but Wagner College students can add additional mobile phone numbers (for select family members) to their accounts.

1) The student should login to their Rave account.

2) Go to “My Account.”

3) In the “Mobile Contacts” box, click the edit box on an available Mobile contact.

4) Follow the instructions for adding new mobile numbers.

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