Alumni privileges

Tags alumni

Email, MyWagner, & Moodle (OneLogin)


Alumni will have access to their Wagner email accounts. All other Google services (Google Drive, Photos, etc) will expire after 1 year after graduation. Move all data stored in Google Drive/Photos to a personal cloud drive or physical device (USB drive.) Moodle will no longer be accessible. Limited access to MyWagner for tax Information.


Wagner WiFi


Alumni will no longer have access to the wagner-wifi network. The wagner-visitor network may be used when visiting campus.


Computing & Printing Resources


Alumni will no longer have access to campus computers & printers through their Active Directory accounts. Before graduation, it is recommended to copy any files in the "P-Drive" to either a personal cloud drive, or on to a personal USB flash drive/hard drive. Alumni will also no longer have access to the library database.


Microsoft Office 365


Office 365 will expire after Graduation. Documents will no longer be editable, only viewable. Alumni will need to purchase Office 365. Before graduation, It is recommended to copy any files in the "One Drive" to either a personal cloud drive, or on to a personal USB flash drive/hard drive. ​​​​​​

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