Oracle Training Guide-How to Access Budget Reports

In this article we will discuss how to access budget reports. 

1. Log into Oracle at the following link:

2. From the tabs at the top choose Budgetary Control.


3. Choose Budget Analysis Report

4. Enter the necessary information from drop-down menus. 

  • Control Budget: Choose working budget which includes any budget transfers. 
  • Budget Year: Choose current or prior years
  • Budget From/ To Period: You can choose one month at a time of September to current month for the full year. 
  • Fund: Select operating fund 100000 Current Funds Unrestricted
  • Cost Center: Choose from assigned departments (You can choose multiple cost centers)
  • Account: You can choose accounts individually or all to see all balances.
  • Activity: Select 00000-General 
  • Interfund: Select 000000-General

 5. There are 3 reports to choose from.

  • Summary YTD- Total year amounts 
  • Summary PTD- Amounts for a selected time period 
  • Detail Report- Lists all transactions for each account 

6. Select Apply (please note this may take a few minutes to display)

7. Reports can be downloaded into different formats from the drop-down menu located on the top right of the report



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