Oracle Admin Guides-Candidate Selection Process & Job Offer Creation

In this article we will discuss the phases of the candidate selection process along with all of the aspects of creating a job offer. 

Recruiters can use phases to manage their candidates and keep track of the information involved for each. There are five phases from New to Post Offer which are part of the recruiting process before moving the candidate to the HR Phase. 

Phase 1-New 

Phase 2- Screen 

Phase 3- Interviews 

Phase 4-Offer

Phase 5- Post Offer

All new applicants on the job requisition will fall in to “New, To be Reviewed” category. 

These candidates can be Moved (Phase by Phase) or (Stage by Stage) or even moved directly to Phase 4 Offer – To be Created  to create the offer draft.

To move the candidates to the next Phase and Stage, follow these instructions:

1. Click on Hiring

2. Search for the Requisition using Keywords (Req#/ Req Name).

3. Click on the Applications: # which opens up the list of applicants.

4. Click on the Applicant Name which opens up the candidate profile.

5. Click on Move (Next to Action on the Top Right Corner) which opens to the Details (Phases, Stages) section.

6. Change the Drop-down values of the Phase & Stage as required.

Job Offer Creation Process

Note: As per Wagner’s Offer process only Recruiter Users can create the job offer. So before creating the job offer draft, please ensure that the respective Recruiter is identified as part of the hiring team on the Job Requisition for which the offer is created.

To create the offer for an Individual Candidate:

1. From Home page click on “My Client Group

2. Click on “Hiring”.

3. Search for the Requisition using Keywords (Req#/ Req Name).

4. Click on the Applications: # which opens up the list of applicants.

5. Select the Applicant for whom the offer is created.

6. Click on the  icon on the right which expands to a small window with quick actions.

7. Click on Create Job Offer which directs to the selected candidates “Create Job Offer” page.

8. Select the Check Boxes and click Continue.

9. Provide values for each section of “Create Job Offer” page as shown below:

When and Why

  • When is the employee start date? – Select the “Start date”.
  • Legal Employer – defaulted to “Wagner College”.
  • Worker Type – defaulted to “Employee”.
  • Action – defaulted to “Add Assignment”.
  • Click on Continue

Assignment Info

Note: Most of the Assignment Info values are derived from the position that is chosen while creating the job requisition, so do not change any values other than specified below

  • Proposed Person Type (Required Field)-Select the correct person type from the drop down values. Read noted below:
    •  In this example, we will choose Faculty

Client Specifics:

All Faculty candidate & Graduate Assistant candidates are considered to be “Faculty” person type.

All Faculty & Adjunct Candidates are considered to be “Faculty” Person type.

All Student Workers are considered to be “Student Worker” person type.

  •  Business Unit – defaulted to “Wagner College”.
  •  Project End Date – select End Date if applicable.
  • Position – defaulted to the position chosen on Requisition. (Do not change)
  • Job – defaulted to the Job chosen on Position. (Do not change)
  • Department – defaulted to the Department chosen on Position. (Do not change)


  • Reporting Establishment – Select “Wagner College” from the drop down.
  • Location – defaulted to Staten Island, New York. (Do not change)
  • Working at Home – select from drop down option only if applicable.


  • Assignment Category- is defaulted based on the position details. (Do not change)
  • Regular or Temporary- is defaulted based on the position details. (Do not change)
  •  Hourly Paid or Salaried – select Hourly or Salaried based on the offer criteria.
  • People Group – Ignore for Staff (applicable only for “Student Workers”)
  • Click on Continue

Offer Team

  • Hiring Manager – derived from Position Manager Hierarchy.
  • Recruiter – derived from Recruiter selected on the job requisition.
  • Add Collaborator Type – If you want them to be able to view the offer details.
  • Click on Continue

Payroll Info

  • Payroll Frequency
    1. Payroll (Required Field) – Select from drop down.

Client Specific:

  • WC MO Adjunct – Only for “Adjunct Faculty” Hires.
  • WC MO Admin Faculty – only for “Admin Faculty” Hires.
  • WC MO Student - only for "Student Worker” Hires.
  • WC SM Staff - only for "Staff – Full time” Hires.
  • WC Weekly – only for “Staff – Part time” weekly payable hires.

  • Overtime Period for Payroll- Select from drop down.

  • Time Card Requirement for Payroll - Select from drop down


  • Other Info
    1. Tax Reporting Unit – Select “Wagner College
    2. Overtime Period for Payroll- Select from drop down.

  • Time Card Requirement for Assignment - Select from drop down.

  • Click Continue


  • Salary Basis - Select Salary Basis from drop down.
  • Salary Amount – Enter Salary Amount only in numbers
  • Annual Salary – Will be auto calculated.
  • Next Salary Review Date – provide date if applicable.
  • Click Continue

Other Compensation

  • Ignore if not applicable.
  • If applicable - Click “+Add”.
  • Select Plan from the dropdown. (only if applicable)
  • Select Option from the dropdown. (only if applicable)
  • Click Continue

Client Specific: As per Wagner requirements only applicable for Adjunct Faculty & Graduate Assistant only.

Comments and Attachments

  1. Add Offer comments – For Internal usage.
  2. Internal Documents – For Internal usage.
  3. Click Continue

Offer Letter

  • Select “Offer Letter” from the Drop Down.

  • Click on Search on the drop down expansion.

  • Enter the Name & click Search (for a specific Offer letter)
    • (OR) Click Search (to see all existing offer letter Templates). 

  • Select the required Offer letter templateIn this example we will select Adjunct_Contract_Template_Spring_2023_Provost.
  • Click OK
  • Click    to download and preview the offer letter draft once before submitting for approval.
  • Expiration Date – This is required. Enter information accordingly
  • Candidate-facing Documents – attach candidate facing documents if applicable

After completing all the sections. Scroll to the top of the “Create Job Offer” page.

  • Click Save and Close OR Submit OR Cancel
    1. Save & Close - To revisit the offer draft later.
    2. Submit - for approval.
    3. Cancel.

Job Offer Approval Process

Faculty - Job Offer Approvals are set to go to:

            Level 1 Approver:  Provost

            Level 2 Approver: Department Manager of Hiring Manager’s department

            Level 3 Approver: CHRO

Approvers will receive an email notification which contains approval Content & Approval link. At the same time approvers will also receive an Oracle In-App – Bell Notification Icon.

Bell Notification Approval Process:

  • Login to Oracle Home Page
  • Click on Bell Icon.  
  • The following Notification tab will open up, which will show the list of Approval “Action Required” notifications.
  • Click on Approve or Reject to directly take the action.

  • If you prefer to view the notification details before making your decision, click on the Green Highlighted link to open the notification details.

  • Verify the details and click on Approve or Reject.

Job Offer- Automatic Extension Process

Job offers are set to Automatically Extended to the candidates for their review & acceptance on securing all the required Job Offer approvals.

The status get updated to Offer, Extended on the candidates profile as shown in the image below. 

Job Offer-Acceptance Process

Recruiters do have an option to accept the offer on behalf of the candidates

  1. Open candidate profile
  2. Click on “Actions” on the top right corner. This expands to a list of key actions:
  • Add to Requisition - Allows us to add the candidate to a different active requisition.
  • Add to Candidate Pool – Allows us to add the candidate to a specific candidate poo  for future utilization.
  • Check Duplicates – Check for any duplicates.
  • Change Start Date– Allows us to change the Start date.
  • Preview Offer – Preview the offer at any Stage.
  • Re-draft Offer– Re-draft offer in case of negotiation or change in offer terms.
  • Resend Offer – If candidate couldn’t find the offer notification email,  send the offer again.
  1. Click on Accept Offer which completes the offer acceptance on behalf of the candidate.


  • System triggers an automated email notification to the candidates informing them about the extended Job Offer as shown below.

  • Candidates are expected to click on Respond to Job Offer (Hyperlink) which opens a web page asking them to “Confirm Your Identity” as shown below.


  • Candidates will receive another email with a One time Passcode which will be valid for 10 minutes after they receive it. 

  • Candidates will have to enter the 6 Digit pass code and click on “Verify”  to complete the verification process.


  • On completing the verification process, candidate will be redirected to the Offer Preview Page, where they can choose to Accept or Decline.


  • Candidate will have the following options
    1. Download
    2. Accept
    3. Decline


  • Click on Accept 
  • Status Changes to “Offer, Accepted”


  • Candidates will receive an offer acceptance confirmation email as shown below.


Job Offer-Copy Job Offer

Recruiters also have the option to copy a job offer from existing offers. Recruiter needs to make sure that the job requisition has enough number of openings to initiate Batch offer process.

  1. From Home page click on My Client Group.
  2. Click on Hiring.
  3. Search for the Requisition using Keywords (Req#/ Req Name).
  4. Click on the Applications: # which opens up the list of applicants.
  5. Select “check box” next to the names of all the candidates for whom a similar offer should be created.

  • Click the “Actions” dropdown.

  • Click on Copy Offer. This will take you to the copy offer page, where you can see the list of candidates selected for copying the offer.


  • Scroll down to New Offers section.
  • Click on drop-down of “Offer to Copy from Candidate and select one of the existing offered candidates with same offer details that need to be copied to others.


  • Change/ Correct the Start Date of New Offers.
  • Select one of the following two Options.

  • Scroll to the top and click Submit. To initiate the batch offer process.

Re-draft Job Offer

Recruiters can re-draft the offer in the case of the renegotiation of offer terms or to initiate the change of offer and the approval process.

  • From Home page click on “My Client Group”.
  • Click on “Hiring”.
  • Search for the Requisition using Keywords (Req#/ Req Name).
  • Click on the Applications: # which opens up the list of applicants.
  • Click on the Applicant for whom job offer needs to be redrafted.


  • Click on Actions dropdown.
  • Click on Re-draft Offer from the dropdown.


  • Click Yes on the warning window.

  • Once you see the confirmation message window, the status of the candidate goes back to the“Offer, Draft” phase and state.
  • Now click on “Edit Offer” from Actions dropdown and continue with redraft of offer.

Collecting Personal Information from the Candidate

After accepting the offer, the candidate will receive an email requesting for additional Information with hyperlink to provide additional info. Candidates should click the red button that says Provide Additional Info.

  • After clicking the link, candidates will receive a One Time Passcode in a separate email.


  • Candidates should enter the one time passcode and click on “Verify

  • Candidates will be redirected to a Sensitive Personal Information screen
  • Enter the Date of Birth

  • Select Country 
  • Select National ID Type  as Social Security Number from the drop down.
  • Enter National ID 
  • Select Issue Date
  • Select Expiration Date
  • Enter Place of Issue
  • Click on Done

  • Click Submit


Initiate Background Check

Recruiters can initiate a background check process manually for candidates who completed the Offer Acceptance process.

*Note: Before Initiating the Background Check, Recruiter should make sure the right package is selected on the Requisition Screening services section.

  • From Home page click on “My Client Group”.
  • Click on “Hiring”.
  • Search for the Requisition using Keywords (Req#/ Req Name).
  • Click on the Applications: # which opens up the list of applicants.
  • Click on the Applicant for whom Background check should be initiated. which opens up the candidate’s profile page.
  • Click on Move on the top right corner of the Screen.


  • Change the Phase from the Offer to the Post Offer Phase from the drop down menu.
  • Status should be set to Background Initiated.
  • Click Save and Close which initiates the Background screening.

  • Go to Screening section of the candidate's profile.

  • Click on the three dots next to Background Checks and Click on Initiate Request to Initiate or “Stop Request” to stop the check.

  • Phase and State get updated to Post Offer, Background Initiated.

  • Inform the candidate to expect an email from the background check Vendor (HireRight) requesting for required information.
  • Once the candidate provides the required information to HireRight, background check will get initiated based on the package chosen on the Requisition.

Check & Update Background Verification Status

Background Check status can be directly looked up on the HireRight Vendor Portal Login. The following are the steps to check for the status in Oracle.

  • From Home page click on “My Client Group”.
  • Click on “Hiring”.
  • Search for the Requisition using Keywords (Req#/ Req Name).
  • Click on the Applications: # which opens up the list of applicants.
  • Click on the Applicant for whom Background check should be checked. which opens up the candidate’s profile page.

  • Go to Screening section of the candidate's profile.

  • Check the current status from Result Summary.
  •  If you are satisfied with the results and want to proceed with candidate's on-boarding, click on Move and change the Status on Post Offer Phase from “Background Initiated” to “Background Completed.”
  • Click “Save and Close”.
  • Now the candidate is ready to Move to HR.

Move to HR

As a last set of Recruitment process on Oracle Recruiting Cloud. Recruiters need to move the candidates from Recruiting to HR 

  • From Home page click on “My Client Group”.
  • Click on “Hiring”.
  • Search for the Requisition using Keywords (Req#/ Req Name).
  • Click on the Applications: # which opens up the list of applicants.
  • Click on the Applicant for whom Background check should be checked. which opens up the candidate’s profile page.
  • Click on “Actions” dropdown.

  • Click on “Move to HR” at the bottom of the Actions drop-down.


  • This warning window will show up. Click on Yes to continue.


  • This is when the applicant’s Pending Worker  person record gets created in CoreHR for the first time.
  • Now HR Users needs to pick the Pending Worker profile and take them through the onboarding process by converting them from the Pending Worker stage to an Employee.

Create a Candidate Profile 

  • In cases of pre-identified resources, Recruiters can create a candidate profile directly using Add a Candidate from the Hiring Tile and Add Candidate to Requisition
  • From Home
  • Click on the Search Tab at the top.
  • Enter Add a Candidate in the search tab.
  • Select Add a Candidate from the drop-down options.

  • The screen will change to the Create Candidate page.
  • Enter all of the Basic Info for the candidate.
  • Attach Resume if applicable.
  • Click Save and Close.


  • Click on YES to provide confirmation to complete the candidate profile.


  • Candidate profile will be created.
  • Click + ADD  to include missing information, if required, to the candidate’s profile like Education, License and Certificate, Work History, Languages, Work Preferences, Personal Info, Address, Etc.

Add Candidate to Requisition

You can now add this candidate, Allan Walker, to an existing Job Requisition and continue with offer and hiring process.

  • Click on the Actions dropdown on the candidate’s profile.
  • Choose Add to Requisition

  • Search for Requisition Title or Requisition Number and select the Requisition.

  • Click the check box “Create Job application on behalf of candidate”. If you need the candidate to review the requisition and complete the application process. Leave the box unchecked.

  • Click Save and Close.
  • Find the candidate as an applicant on the requisition and continue with hiring process.






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Thu 6/13/24 11:39 AM
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