Employees can create expense items for cash and corporate card transactions and add them to a new expense report or an existing expense report.
1. Log into Oracle Applications Cloud with the user name and password shared with you.
2. From the Apps menu on your Oracle home page, click Expenses.
3. Click on Actions button and click on Create Report.
4. Enter the purpose of the expense report creation. Every expense report is made up of one or more expense items. Click on + Create Item option to create expense items under this expense report.
5. Select the expense type from list of values. Enter Amount and other fields for the expense item. The fields appear based on the selected Expense Type. Make sure to fill out all of the required fields marked by an asterisk.
If you have a receipt to accompany this request, make sure to add it into the attachments section on the right. If you do not have a receipt, check off Receipt Missing.
6. Once expense item is created, click on the Save and Close button in the upper right corner to close the item expense and return to the expense report.
7. At the top of the page an Expense Report Number is generated along with the amount.
8. Click Submit