Moodle 4.0: Using Local Mail to Email Your Class

In this article we will go over how to use a plug-in called Local Mail to contact your whole class via email. 

For a detailed video tutorial check out the following YouTube link:


How to Use Local Mail 

1. Go into the course that you are looking to email your students from. 

2.Navigate to the upper right corner of your Moodle page and click the envelope.


3. From the drop down menu, choose Compose. 

4. Click Add Recipients to select the users you would like to email. 

5. If you would like to send an email to specific people, navigate through the list and select either To, CC, or BCC (depending on which you want for your email,) next to each name. If you are looking to email the entire class, click To right next to the Search box and it will select everyone on your list. If there is anyone you don't want to add within the group, simply press the X next to their name. 

6. Click Apply.

7. Add a Subject in the text box.

8. Type your email into the Message box. 

9. If you have additional documents that you would like to include, you can add them in the Attachments section. 

10. When you're ready to send your email, click Send. If you are saving this email to send for later, click Save. To delete this email, press Discard. 


11. To view your Sent emails, click the Local Mail icon once more at the top of the page and press Sent. If you want to see your saved emails (also known as draft emails,) select Drafts from the Local Mail menu. 

Students will receive this email in their Wagner inbox. If they wish to respond, they can do so directly from the email itself by pressing Reply on the message in their Gmail inbox.