In this article we will go over how to set up a quiz on Moodle 4.0. Quizzes are a great tool to evaluate your students and see how much they know. Moodle quizzes sync directly with your gradebook and grades will automatically appear once the test has been completed. You can edit quiz settings to your preferences and can decide when you would like to show grades and feedback to students.
For a detailed tutorial on how to set up a quiz, check out the following YouTube video:
1. The first step in setting up a quiz is to toggle your edit button on.

2. Go to the week that you would like the quiz to appear and press Add an Activity or Resource.

3. From the Activity Chooser, select Quiz.

4. Give your quiz a name in the text box.
5. You can write your quiz instructions in the Description box.

6. If you expand the timing section, you can enter when you want to open and close the quiz, if you want to establish a time limit, and what to do with student attempts when the time expires.

7. If you expand the grade section, you can place this quiz into it's corresponding category if you have already created categories in your gradebook. *If you haven't designated categories yet and are planning on using the gradebook, you can always move this quiz into the right spot later* In this section you will also enter the grade to pass and how many attempts a student has to complete this exam.
By default it is set to Unlimited which means the student can take it as many times as they like with Moodle taking the highest grade as the final result. If you only want to allow one attempt, you can mark that preference under Attempts Allowed.

8. If you expand the Layout section, you can choose how many questions you want to allow on one page.
9. If you expand the Question Behavior section, you can choose whether or not you want to shuffle within questions. Keep in mind this will not shuffle the questions on your quiz themselves, but rather the answers. Be aware if you do choose this option that you are not putting questions on the test where there are multiple answers. For example: "The answer is both A & D "
In this section, you can also decide how questions behave. In this example I have chosen Deferred Feedback which will have the students take all the questions on the quiz and submit it before receiving their grade or any feedback.
10. If you expand the Review Options section, you can control what information a student can see when they review a quiz attempt. If you do not want them to see any information until after the quiz is closed, you can uncheck all options under Immediately After Attempt and Later, while quiz is still open and only check off boxes under After the Quiz is Closed. Keep in mind, in order for you to choose options in this column, you will have to set a close date for the quiz in the timing section.

11. As always if you choose to enable activity completion or restrict access parameters on this quiz, you can do so in the settings as well.
12. Press Save and Display.
Adding Questions to a Quiz
After you have created your quiz, it is now time to add questions to it. There are a few ways to do this.
1. To start, press Add Question

2. On the right hand side, click Add.

3. To add the quiz questions directly to the quiz, click "a new question" from the drop down menu.

4. A box will pop up asking you to choose the type of question to add. We will not go over all of the question types in this article, but if you would like to see more information about the multiple choice questions type or the true/false question type, please see the video above.

5. Choose your question type and enter in the information accordingly. Once you save your question, it will automatically be added to your quiz.
The second option on the menu to add a question is "from question bank". The question bank is a online respository designed to help you create questions in advance so you can use them at a later date. For more information on building a question bank along with a tutorial video, check out the following article: Creating a Question Bank

The last option on the menu for adding questions to your quiz is "a random question" This process will allow you to pull a question randomly from your previously created categories in your question bank to add to your test. See the question bank article mentioned above for more information on adding questions to your repository.

Extra Quiz Settings
To set the maximum grade on your quiz, enter it in the text box labeled Maximum Grade
If you want to shuffle the questions themselves, (as opposed to shuffling within questions like you can choose in the quiz settings,) check off Shuffle.

To preview your quiz, click Quiz on the toolbar and select Preview Quiz. This will allow you to get an idea of what the quiz looks like and where you can test if everything is working properly.