Moodle 4.0: How to Use Activity Completion

This article will walk you through how to use Activity Completion in Moodle 4.0. Activity completion allows a teacher to set certain criteria for resources and activities on their Moodle page in order for them to be considered complete. For example, as a teacher you may want to give a quiz on Moodle, but only consider it complete for the course when that student receives a passing grade. This is a criteria that you can set when using the activity completion feature. 

For a detailed tutorial on how to set up Activity Completion, check out the following YouTube video:


Disabling Activity Completion

By default, activity completion is enabled in your course. If you do not wish to use it you can disable it by following these instructions:

1. Navigate to the Course Admin Settings bar and click Settings. 

2. Scroll down and expand the Completion Tracking Section. 

3. From the Enable Completion Tracking menu, choose No. This will disable the use of activity completion for your course. 

4. Make sure to press Save and Display


How to Set up Activity Completion

Follow these instructions to see an example of how you can utilize activity completion in your course:

1. Find the item you would like to set criteria for. In this example we are going to choose to use an assignment. 

2. In the settings menu of that item, scroll down until you see Activity Completion Expand the menu. 

3. For this example, we are going to set the criteria for this item to only be considered complete when the student views it and receives a passing grade. From the Completion Tracking menu, choose Show activity as complete when conditions are met. You will see all of the criteria options available for that item. 

4. We are requiring a few things for this example so we will check off all of them. The criteria set for this item to be considered complete is that the student must view it, they must receive a grade, and that grade must be passing. You can select these items by checking the boxes next to them. 

5. Since we are requiring that the student receives a passing grade, we need to make sure that we set that in the grade section of this item's settings so Moodle knows what to base the criteria on. To do this, expand the Grade section and enter a passing grade in the text box next to Grade to Pass.


6. When you are finished, make sure to save the changes at the bottom. This item has now been set up for Activity Completion. Students can see the criteria now to the right of the item on the Moodle page. They can also see whether they have fulfilled the set criteria for the item by looking at the visual indicators on their Course Index. 



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